Roots Reboot

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Thai Noodle Bowl

Lunchables used to be the power lunch move back in the day...

fast forward 20 years and our Roots Reboot "lunch-a-bowl" will have your coworkers jealous and you excited to eat healthy!



So what does color have to do with diet? One word: phytochemicals.

These substances occur naturally only in plants and may provide healthful benefits beyond those that essential nutrients provide. Color, such as what makes a blueberry so blue, can indicate some of these substances, which are thought to work synergistically with vitamins, minerals, and fiber (all present in fruits and vegetables) to promote good health and lower disease risk.

  • Blue/Purple: due primarily to their anthocyanin content. The darker the blue hue, the higher the phytochemical concentration. Anthocyanins are antioxidants that are particularly heart healthy, helping to support healthy blood pressure, and help lower risk of cancer. 
    Examples: Eggplant (especially the skin), blueberries, blackberries, prunes, plums, pomegranates
  • Green: from the natural plant pigment chlorophyll and rich in isothiocyanates which induce enzymes in the liver that assist the body in removing potentially carcinogenic compounds. Green vegetables are also an excellent sources of vitamin K, folic acid, potassium, as well as carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids. 
    Examples: Broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, Brussels sprouts
  • Redfrom lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of some cancers, especially prostate cancer, and protection against heart attacks. Look for tomato-based products for the most concentrated source of this phytochemical. In addition to vitamin C and folate, red fruits and vegetables are also sources of flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and have antioxidant properties. 
    Examples: Tomatoes and tomato products, watermelon, pink grapefruit, guava, cranberries
  • Yellow/Orange: Beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene are all orange-friendly carotenoids and can be converted in the body to vitamin A, a nutrient integral for vision and immune function, as well as skin and bone health. 
    Examples: Carrots, mangos, cantaloupe, winter squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, apricots

thai noodle lunch-a-bowl

By: Dietitian Taylor Johnson, RD, LDN

Recipe type: Lunch
Serves: 2


A savory Thai lunch bowl that's easily assembled and the perfect balance of nutrient-dense, colorful whole foods.



Cook 1/2 box of Maifun rice noodles according to package directions. In another small pot, boil eggs (7=10min for a barely set yolk or 5 mins for runny yolk). While eggs and noodles cook, chop carrots, radishes, green onion, and purple cabbage. 

Drain noodles and eggs once cooked. Assemble noodle bowl with cooked Maifun noodles, chickpeas, carrots, radish, purple cabbage, egg and top with green onion, cilantro, sesame seeds, lime juice and sesame ginger dressing. Reboot and Enjoy!

If you make this recipe, we would love to see it! Tag us in your photo @rootsreboot with #RootsReboot or #RebootAndTurnip to our INSTAGRAM HERE!

XO - Roots Reboot


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