Welcome to your nutrition reboot!

Please take the time to watch the 15 min Welcome Video below

to help you get started with your
pre-screen week and 90 minute initial appointment!

  1. the welcome video:

2.sign up for video consulting:

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3. take your reboot further:

  • Upload any lab tests, or health records you’d like me to review under “files” tab at least 3 days prior to your scheduled initial appointment in https://rootsreboot.fruitstreet.com

  • Sync fitness or iHealth devices to have Amanda track and guide you in other areas of wellness under the “Health Records” tab on https://rootsreboot.fruitstreet.com such as daily steps via Fitbit, sleep regimen via Fitbit, weight via Fitbit scale, heart rate monitor or glucomitor via iHealth devices.


4. next steps:

  • Complete the IntakeQ Past Medical History Form for a clearer understanding of your past medical history, goals and dietary preferences. This should take ~20-30 min. Pease complete your IntakeQ at least 3 days prior to your scheduled initial appointment. (Amanda will send this to you via email)

  • Electronically sign the Roots Reboot Client Contract. Please have your contract signed at least 3 days prior to your scheduled initial appointment. (Amanda will send this to you via email).


5. start logging in your meals!

  • Start logging in your food photos for your 7 day pre-screen into the Fruit Street app! Please do your best to record breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and beverages as all are essential for me to learn more about your current intake, dietary habits, and food preferences. Feel free to describe your meals and provide more context or food product brand (ex: measurements, cooking preparation techniques, “this is my go-to snack after work,” “I always eat KIND band snack bars post workout”)


Thank you

for taking the time to complete everything before our 90 min initial appointment! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns before then! I look forward to being your personal Dietitian and support you every step of the way in your transformation!

- Amanda Musin, RD, LD

